Monday, January 25, 2010

Softball boys ? Really ? Ouuuuch .....

 I can only recognise Chew Meng Teck. Ok , who are the other softballers, if you dare to own up !!

Oooophs, my ball, Meng Teck did it hurt ? Cheers !!


  1. Hi all,
    Back Row,left to right:
    Raymond Chan,Jee Soon Fook,Kho Choon Kui,Philip Lee,Chew Meng Teck.
    Front,left to right:
    The late Lee Kien Seng,Teo Juay Yong,Kwang Soon Foh,Sebastian Chan.

  2. Wah, Siong Moh, you sure win a prize........

  3. Hi Joo,
    I only started to play softball after leaving school.My team was 1976 Men's Open(1st Division)1st Runner-up.Some of my teammates are townians like Chan Eng Poon,Patrick Chan,Sebastian Chan and the late Lee Kien Seng.That is why,I know some of the softball beauties & handsome boys from KTGSS.

  4. Meng Teck is catching different ball..He is fast too...

  5. Meng Teck

    How did it take to recover from that hit???????

  6. I don't know too..must be of steel..Meng Teck are you here..I belief many of your friends would love to know how u did it.
