Friday, January 15, 2010

Email from our teacher Ms Sim Mui Eng Briscoe

I have the permission to post the email for all to read ......

On Jan 13, 2010, at 2:11 AM, Eng Briscoe wrote:

Hello Ted
It is wonderful to hear from you and also thank you very much for the invitation,the heart flutters after such a long time...34 years down memory lane,eh? Mei Ling has been in touch about it 5 times aready!!! I am deeply honoured that some of you have not forgotten me at all despite the distance and the time factor!!!
I have been toying with the idea of going and agonising about it for the last 3 weeks and after a heartrenching and long soul searching' session i have most reluctantly say i am sorry i will not be able to make it on this occasion. The weather here is one big factor as it is truly freezing,the coldest winter we have since 1962,and there is chaos with planes grounded due to snow and ice,airports closed,roads icy and impassable so i don't wish to be caught in the mess. Howevwer, there  is a possibilty as i may be going to Australia sometime in May/June and if i get a round-the-world-ticket i may call at Kuching and see some of you. That's a compromise,eh? 
As promised I shall be available for the 'skype' on 17 Feb. I look forward to speaking to you all on that day.
Have a good time. I shall be thinking of all of you.
Cheers and Happy New Year
Mui Eng Briscoe

1 comment:

  1. Hi ex-townians,
    Ms Mui Eng-Briscoe had a brief teaching stint at KTGSS.She started her teaching career beginning of 1972 and was also my form teacher (3 Earth).She taught English and Geography subjects.She was dedicated in her vocation and very strict with students who misbehaved in class.Unfortunately,end of '72,she had to leave us and the school to further her studies in English at UK.
