Monday, January 18, 2010

Softball beauties ......

Why do you have to squat like this ? Where are the er... softballs ?


  1. Hi Ivy

    Did you dig out this old pic? haha....... We did have lots of fun in the fields. We were
    CHAMPIONS for a number of years.... nice memories... haha......
    By the way, we squat like this.. because we were able to ... now if we squat like that, we will need help to get up. haha....

  2. Not just the balls, where are the mitts and bats? And to think we were young at one time.....ahhhhhh......

  3. In the photo,I can only recongise the Black Lady n Mei Mei. All those I don't are beautiful girls. Ha.....Ha.....

  4. Hi Lucy, this photo actually is with me for a long time and there is one more with Ms Hui when we are younger lah...If you like I will ask GT to post that one...
    Yeah I agree with you, if you ask me to squat now we need someone to pull us up and our knee will make that beautiful cracking sound...and yes those were our happy and carefree days.. if only we can wing the clock backward and how I love to be will all of you.. no worries...about anything..
    Looking forward to see you...

  5. Hi everyone ! I do not recognise most of them except the one 4th from left... and I forgot her name!!! ha ha Maybe never followed this softball game they are in!!! Always into fishing !!! what a waste... I missed all these beauties!!! ha ha

  6. 4th one from the left is Lina Goh. She is now working in Singapore.
    Ivy, do u still have those photos from the later years? I think I still have but have to spend time digging them out. haha.....
    We are so crazy about softball then and practically live in the softball fields every afternoon including weekends..... Are there still people playing softball now??

  7. I can spot Cheew Mei Mei, Lina Goh and Ivy. The rest all blank! Ivy, more info please. And Lucy, which one is you? The only hitam manis is the last one; is that u?

  8. Yeah Joo, the last one is Lucy Yong and Lucy I still have the one with Ms Hui and there is also one with Ms Aisah, I think I got the teacher's name correct. She is fair..
    Today had been a fruitful day lah.. Thomas, Siong Moh, Ching Chiang and myself met Mr Paul Leong and we invite him to join our BB2010 and then Thomas, Siong Moh and myself we met Ms Chang Lee Choo and Ms Lam Yip Ping (Lucy our softball teacher in charge.. you remember her) to extend our invitation and in the afternoon we were with Mrs Joseph and Ms Miram Voon together with Ms Connie Chiew.

    Joo: please try your very best to make it to our BB2010 and it will be very exciting.

  9. Hi Ivy

    Joo had confirmed joining us . She even donated RM500 ( Peanuts from where she is commimg from )

    Joo you want to give more?? Also welcome!!!!

  10. Talking about Ms Chan Lee Choo

    To the best of what I can remember she was one of the most dedicated teacher i had ever met. Believe me as a teacher myself once upon a time i can nor image about she can cope with a group like us. In reading Ms. Chan after all these years i still can not know how?.

  11. Hi Lucy ( Hitam Manis )

    I was told that is how they remember you. And from this blog i was made to understand you have settled in kota kinabalu. As at last year ( 2009 )
    I spend half my weeek in Kota Kinabalu and may after the BB 2010 we should met up. When my wife Sue retires shw aslo decided that KK is better place for her. What say you!!!

  12. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEJanuary 19, 2010 at 10:26 PM

    Hi, Lucy...long time no chatting with you in yahoo...not so free the last few days....and by the way, thanks for reconnecting me with Julian Lim....he's into the blog already..

    Is that a softball team....looks like thigh contest to me.....oooppps...

    Lucy...Finally there's something for you gals to talk that photo I only recognised Lina Goh....the rest of idea....just imagine one picture can paint a thousang words....perhaps update the names of those young girls for this coming for dance....he....he...he..

  13. This photo should jerk sweet bitter memories for those in it and also, I belief for those guys who know them during the school days..

  14. Hi, Administrator Thomas

    Thanks for the mp3 disc that you borrowed me for the download......the songs really brings back those hippy and funky years and not forgetting some romantic songs.....the one I love best is BREAD.......gradually those fun & fond memories are coming back.....ahohahoh... I remembered this band & that band....yayaya... I remembered this artist & that artist..

    I'm still downloading, would return sometime this week.....probably go for another KOPI-O

    Ivy...a fruitful day of extending invitation cards to the teachers today, now.......any photos taken...kindly publish

  15. Hi David!!! Remembered Bread!!! The air I breath!!!! Peace came upon me and it leaves me weak......used to sing this song while waiting for the fish to bite!!!! ha ha

  16. Ang Mia Heng!!!! what happen Bro!! No input from you!!! Everyone misses you!!!

  17. Anthony, it is the Hollies for The Air That I Breath.......

  18. Ivy

    Yes, I remember Ms Lam Yip Ping ... I was on top of the world when she passed the message from Mrs. Ngiam that our club's file was the best (the file was kept by me as the secretary at that time). Hope to see her at our coming BB2010.

    Robert Lee - I have been residing in KK for a long time already.... in fact, longer than I have stayed in Kuching. haha... Yes, no problem, we can meet up any time. Where are you staying in KK when you spend half week here?

    Patrick Chan - hello, stranger.... I still remember you. haha... see you at BB2010..

    Joo - Yes, that's me, I always thought that I was one of the bigger-sized player in the team. But this photo tells a different story, erh? haha... Are you, by any chance, changing your mind about coming to our BB2010??? You can't change your mind now... we are all looking forward to meeting up with you again.

  19. Names of the players in the pic.... from left, Lee Moi Fong at 1st base; xxxxx (can't remember her name), the right fielder); Chew Mei Mei at 2nd base; Lina Goh, our pitcher; Tan Siew Kee at 3rd base; Soo Li Na, our short stop; Ivy Lai,our centre fielder; Tan Chun Eng (i think???), our
    left fielder;
    and finally, me, the catcher...

  20. Ah Kong Robert, what have you found that I didn't know about. Hey, I donate $500 to match yours!!!! Ha, ha, ha,...... hey you are living in tax free heaven.... We are 'tang chiak, tang chiak' lar.

    Hey, tying my best to get connecting flights from Sing-KCH. Have to fly from Melbourne instead of HK, due to some family committment. So, I'll keep trying. I feel I'm going to miss part of my life for not attending.

  21. Hi, Ted & Anthony

    Anthony is out of music scene...."The Air That I're correct

    Anthony,....Hollies has many good songs as well as Herman's Hermit, Bread, Bee Gees, Beatles....these are my most favourite bands and for rock bands, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Uriah Heep.....

  22. Joo

    Aussie dollars stronger. hehe!!!!!

  23. Hi Lucy & the softball beauties,
    The right fielder (2nd from left)name is Lim Chiew Kiang and the left fielder (2nd from right) is Lim Soon Eng.This helps to complete your team members puzzle.

  24. Hi Ted and David!!! Thanks for correction!! I would have taken the idea that the song is by Bread to my grave if not for you both!!! ha ha Thanks!!! Actually I do listen to most of the songs you have been penning down! That was ages ago!! My kids are playing house music daily at home!!! I definitely have lost touch!!! But I still try to collect some oldies.... Billy Joel, Rick Ashley also..Once in a blue moon with a couple of beers in my office at home working on quotations!!! Gets boring sometimes!! So freak out a bit listening to oldies!!

  25. Hi Ted and David!!! Recollected some memories about Bread.... Someone in the Band.. David Gates!!!! Make it with you.... Everything I own and Baby I'm a want you..... ha ha ... Not so rusty eh!!!! If I set my mind to think back there might be more. I was even crazy about Jethro Tull... the incredible flutist and Eumir Deodato....Jazz man!!!!Love Island... Give it a spin.... inspirational!!!! Would love to relax all day long to listen to all my favourite music collection!!! How? Got to bring home more Bacon!!!!So work 7 days a week!!Ha ha

  26. ANTHONY,

  27. Lucy and Wilfred: Thanks for the completion of the name for the softball team and I hope all of them will be joining us for the BB2010.

    Joo: It seem everybody are praying and hoping you can join us...we will pray for you...

  28. hi Siong Moh
    You are right with the two names. I was going to correct it today but you beat me to it. haha... I have been thinking and thinking and wondering how I can forget their names and then their names came to me while I was doing the dishes last night... Age is showing.....haha......

  29. Lucy, you have to be an Accountant. Hey guys make sure we get Lucy to check the bill on the night of BB2010.

  30. Puay Tse says "Hello" to you all, esp. the softball players. There's also the 'B' team with bee ngoh and yian pheng? Everything sounds overwhelming!
