Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cikgu Sazali & the badminton girls ......

Robert, here's the photo of Cikgu Sazali that you requested. We have to thank Chin Chiang for all the photos. I am only a custodian of all the photos only. We are reaching out for more, if any of of guys have any photos to share, please contact us.
Thank you.


  1. Thank guys for this picture. Sure would like to meet him. Any one knows where he is staying?

  2. Robert, dont worry..he will be attending our BB2010 just bring something from Brunei for him..wakakaka....kidding

  3. Can somebody tell me who are the other girls beside Kimmy Kho, Noreen Chan and myself..
    Kimmy you remember anyone of them???

  4. Hey! Ivy why everytime u r in photo? Where is mine? Not active lah....

  5. Hi Ivy

    Really!!! He is comimg joke aside i really want to see him

  6. Hi Robert!! I also want to see Cikgu Sazali!! Always remember seeing him boarding the sampan at Pertanak Jetty to go home across river!! I was always doing my fishing at the jetty and I remember that there was a blacksmith operating at the area around the jetty! Can't recognise the place when I revisited the same spot while I was in Kch!! All of us learn our BM from him!! Got to thank him!! would have been quite lost in KL if not for his teaching!!

  7. Hi Ted,

    As mentioned in my earlier posting, these photos belonged to Mr. Goh Sze Kaong, I only assisted to scan them... you are also doing a great job!! many thanks to you.

    Ivy, I only know one besides Kimmy is Jenny Choo Yam Hiok.

  8. Dear All,

    We plan to come up with a powerpoint presentation for that night, so in dire need of more photos. Pls forward them to us. Thanks!

  9. Anthony
    Sure we will make effort to meet up with Cikgu Sazali. Still remember he gave a pair of sport shoe. Those days after running either kaki ayam or on sleepers, others change into their addidas or puma sport shoes. When he gave me that pair of sport shoe i was walking on cloud nine ( no play2).

  10. Hi Robert! Cigku Sazali is one teacher I can relate to! Any subject also can, he will give me his perspective for me to decide!!!
    Think Abang Mohd Moasili Naili knows Cikgu Sazali's where about!!Heard something like he's not well and working at his construction firm!!! I'm not very sure, you have to re check with Ted ....maybe! Met Abang on my 1st day in Kuching when the administrators/ committee held their meeting at Ted's office!!

  11. Anthony , Ted and Abang Mohd Moasili,

    If posibble need your help to trace Cigku Sazali's contact.address!!


  12. Hi, Ivy Lai-Liaw

    Just to update you on the badminton girls....source from one of my colleaque (3rd Batch KTGSS)....back-Cikgu Sazali, Kimmy, Yam Hiok, XXX (could it be Saadiah Reduan-my guess), (front-squart)Rohani Han, Noreen & yourself......check it out with the others who might know..

  13. Hi,Ivy I think that girl XXX could be Siti. I can't remember her full name.I played against her in one house competition.

  14. Yes she is Siti Hamidah in 3 Earth with me in 1973.
    She left after that year. Wonder why there is only me from 3 Earth who is currently in this league. Whatever happen to the rest of them.
    There are people like Mohd.Salleh,Jamilah Ramlee,Jusmi etc.
    Hope more will come on board from 3 Earth(1973)
