Saturday, January 23, 2010

Form 3 Mars 1972


  1. Hi everyone!!! I always thought I was in this class!!! Then I can't find myself!! lots of buddies at 3 Mars!! Until Siong Moh reminded me that I was kick out of 3 Mars to 3 Earth with him!!Ha Ha

  2. Anthony, hahaha u that naughty.

  3. Told you guys so!!~! No surprises!! And David still cannot remember me!!! ha ha

  4. hi Anthony.most problaly d "citizen" of Mars found ur behaviour a little bit unusual.So they took ur DNA without u knowing it n thoroughly went through d sciencetific test.The result came out comfirming to them that u were an alien from Earth.Maybe they suspected u are a secret agent spying on them.Then they"arrested"u n deported u back 2 EARTH.HA.HA.HA.

  5. Hi, Law Ling

    The Martians are great....they new him as the culprit of a planned invasion of MARS..... 'secret agent' from Earth sent by Dr.SME.....actually he is an android in martians are too kind to him...should have been destroyed....well after being deported from Mars to Earth, this android suffers from brain damage.....he became a 'NOMAD'..'always likes to go to the back of the room where he can talk...!!!@@@###$$$%%%^^&&&***>>><<<

  6. Hi,DAVID
    Wow i didnt know that Anthony is a PHD(permanent head damage)holder.Anyway congratulation 2 him 4 getting a PHD from u.ha..ha....

  7. Hi everyone!!! Now David remembers me as a Martian!!! ha ha Siong Moh knows the story better!! He is my witness and also is one part of what you describe!! ha ha Now you answer to him lah!!
    Hi Law Ling.... interesting emails from you....Thanks!Anyway I still don't have an inkling of who you are!!! So sorry! do you want to reveal yourself? I guess it's more fun being mysterious!! I have been asking who you are actually and got no respond!! Have a great day!

  8. Hi David! Thanks for the award!!! accepting in good faith!!!! I'm on a roll!!! ha ha

  9. Hi, Anthony

    Look into the school magazine then you'll know the 'award' that was given...heee!!!!heee!!!....not by me, but check it out

    TO :

    LAW LING.....he got his PHD at one of my UNI......if I'm not mistaken UNI. PALAK OTAK.....HAAA!!!HA!!!!

  10. Hi David!! I have not received the school magazine yet!!! Siong Moh has posted a couple of days ago!!! must be in the mail transit still!!! can't wait to see it!!!
    I graduated from Institute of Hard Knocks...became quite immune to 'Kena Ketuk".... learn the Buddha teachings!!!! ha ha

  11. Hi David!! correction!!!! I 'm from Arthur Guiness should be Guiness Award..Ha Ha
