Thursday, January 14, 2010

Calling Ms Lam Chor Pheng.....

 We are posting a letter you wrote when you first went to England. We hope to rekindle your memory and we are still hopeful you will join us at the BB2010. KL can wait... to get so many of us together on the 17February 2010 is once in a life time now.
I remembered arguing with you in one of your English classes, the word 'priceless' . I argued that everything has a price but you explained otherwise. Now I understand the word better, 'time' is priceless .....



  1. GT where did you fish all these information? Man, you are a good investigation. If I need one I know whom I should talk to.

    How long ago is the letter? I miss Miss Lam already!

  2. Hi GT, I called Ms Lam this morning and we talk for a while. I had told her that you had post her mail which she had wrote to the headmistress, staff and students of KTGSS. She said she cant remember what she had written but I had given her our website and she promise she will go in to have a look and post somethings. She quite busy last few days cos her kid is sick with german measel.

  3. Ivy, did you speak to Miss Lam Chor Pheng? Wow, she is my most admired English teacher.

    Miss Lam if you are reading this corner, you know how much your students miss you. And Guan Ted he used to stir you up alot! Wait till you see him in person. Ha, ha, ha,........

    Miss Lam wish your son speedy recovery.
