Friday, December 11, 2009



  1. Hi Everyone!!!Good Morning!!

    Is that Bill in the top left pix, center guy in threesome!!!! Looking great!!!

  2. Bill Chua, our jolly Santa. Robert, you look so slim............ next to Bill. Guan Ted, Santa helper....... Looks like we are all set for the Festivity! Everyone looks great.

    If you want Ivy's attention, take away her mobile phone! Samuel, are you getting some tips from Guan Ted? Hey, you look great.

    Soh Moh, you are very expressive in getting the point across. 'Lau Cheng', look forward to seeing you in person.

    Mung Hwa's glassy eyes; how many beer did you have????????

    Where is Thomas?

  3. Joo

    You need a pair of new glasses. Thanks anywhere for the comments. May compared to bill i look samll and Guan Teck looks skinny. hahaha!!!!!

  4. Guys in red.. MU or Liverpool's supporters? everyone's KK-KL

  5. Alice,

    MU,Liverpool who ? It's Arsenal .......

    This will get Jamel going. Cheers.

  6. Alice

    haHA alice shoold be KL KK

  7. Ted, I thought MU n Liverpool r both red. i see 2 red shirts..hehehe.. not a football fan since the day of Franz Beckenbauer.. so old skool.

    Robert, .It seems I go against the flow, uphill first...hehehe...

  8. Arsenal!! It is!!!I'm in!!! Watch Arsenal vs Liverpool tonite!! Betting one dollar Arsenal takes it!!!
    Die Hard Arsenal fan!! Ford Escape stuck with lots of Arsenal stickers!! Ha Ha

  9. Hi Ted!!! Give me a five!!! All for Arsenal The Entertainers!!!

  10. Anthony Chan,My ABC is not expensive , only Rm1.90 4 Ideal milk. If 100,come 2 my stall. Only Rm190. 2 u only how much. Anyway r u my Senior or same yr

  11. Robert Lee, I'm really happy 2 meet u. U really have alot of jokes. KLKK, Eat 6 Out 7 or 8. But I still like the KLKK. Even Mun Ching's mum Know. See u on CNY

  12. William

    Your stall open CNY? My wife likes your Ang Tau Chiang Rut very much.
    I control otherwise i will two at one time

  13. Hi william!
    You sound very familiar to me!! We have to meetat 2010BB to know each other better!! Kch Ice kacang is one of my favourite!! Use to have that at Hui sing hawker stalls. 3 stall run by brothers and sister!! youngest bro is my classmate at St Pat - Chiam Tow Kim... Will definitely try out yours if time permit. Have no idea you're also a ice kacang specialist!!Ok!! I 'll pow you for 2010BB!!!!

  14. Hi Anthony,
    I am very sure you know William Tay Mun Hua as a ex-swimmer and the parents used to operate the 'Ice Kacang'stall near the Chung Hua Primary No.3,Jalan Padungan.After sports at Jubilee Ground,then proceed for 'Ice Kacang'and 'Belacan Beehoon'.Now you remember him!!!.Over 30 years ago!!!.

  15. Anthony,

    Believe me Its a must try William Tay's ice kacang. If you don't you are considered never been to kuching. You have to make time i will take you there when we are down to kuching for the 2010BB!!.
    BTW where are staying when you are back in Kuching? May can stay in the same hotel. Mun Ching can get some special rate.

  16. Mun Hwa, so you are William as well. Hey, was that your parent selling the Chendol at Chung Hwa no.3? Love the Chendol. We can all flock to your place after BB2010.
    So disappointed each time I'm in Kuching over CNY, it is never open. So, have to make do with Song Kheng Hai! No need special price, just add more attap sugar and santan (not milk)!

    Anthony, you are cheap; just RM1 for a bet?

  17. Hi Siong Moh !

    Sure I remember the stall but sorry have vivid memory of William Tay. Name is very very familiar, is he our junior? Used to have his ice kacang after school, St Theresa Primary school and Belacan Bee Hoon next to his stall!! Belacan bee hoon gut was my classmate in primary Robin Sia. We were also neighbors at KMC flat!!

    Hi Robert
    Staying in a hotel would be great!! House is at BDC where my younger Francis (Ah Lek) stays with his China wife and twin daughter and my sis Anna. I will visit them but will opt to stay at hotel!!! Got 1 sis Winnie at Tabuan Jaya and Eldest Bro Joseph the retired Barber at Foochow Road 1. Every one of them wants me at their place!!! To keep the peace hotel is a verygood option!! ha ha We may be chatting till the cow comes home!!!!

    Joo Sim
    Ice kacang with santan is bad for your heart!!! guess you have a great heart!!! ha ha Nothing beats ice kacang with santan!! I'll join you maybe this coming ice kacang session in Kuching!! No worries about not getting ice kacang during CNY!! I have committed with William to 'pow' him for 2010BB!!! He didn't respond to me yet????

  18. Hi Anthony,
    William Tay is just 1 year our junior.He used to help around at the "Ice Kacang" stall after school and especially sports days when it was packed to the brim.

  19. Hi Siong Moh

    No wonder!! He spend more time swimming than at the stall!!! I remember his parents though!! was a regular!! must have ice kacang after belacan bee hoon!! I have the pocket money to do that cos I was already quite enterprising then!!! used to go around the factories collecting copper, aluminium and what not to sell at the scrap shop at Padungan!!! Used to enjoy watching movies 1st class !! no squeezing to get 2nd and 3rd class ticket!!! Use to average RM8 to RM10 a day. Even use to sell newspaper at the five foot way outside Electra House!!!! to make a couple of bucks!!! EJ Chung know about this journey of mine!!! ha ha was hell lot of fun then!!! Did not have to ask Father for pocket money from that age!!!! Started doing that at about 10 years old!!! kids nowadays are damn lucky and spoilt!!! One mischievious thing I sometimes do is follow the newspaper vendor on his round delivering newspaper and pick up what he delivered and takes all the papers to Electra House five foot way to sell!! I should do jail time for that!!!!!!! I was young and clueless!!!!! Now I shock everyone!!! got a lot of adventures growing up in Kch!!! Guess I'm the only one with stories to tell!!!!! True stories!!!

  20. Thank you for comments. CNY is my longest day of rest, at least 7 2 8 days. Only operate business on the 5th day of CNy. I seldom help my daddy. I left Kch when I'm 20. Actually santan that is boil is not good for health. Ha....Ha....Trying 2 push my ABC.Balacan Beehon is my bro.-in-law. I'm not only William. My request's name is Sebastian william. Know me. Thomas Koh does.Eh....Eh.....

  21. Thinking of writing a book about life in Kuching from childhood till 1975 when I left for KL!!!

  22. Hai William!!! Robin Sia is you brother in law!!!!! He is my best BUDDY growing up in Kch!!! My Dad even bought air ticket for him to visit me in KL!!! I try my best to see him and his 2 brothers!! His Mum and my eldest Sis Winnie are good friends!!!

  23. Hi everyone!!!
    trying to recall everything, remembered use to go fishing at Pertanak Road where the blacksmith shop was and used to watch in awe at Gabriel Teo swiming across river!!! Wow He survive the crocs (
    bujang senang) and became a Doctor!!!

    Hi Siong Moh
    Remembered going to Lido Cinema on 23rd April 1975 to watch Hindi movie BOBBY before hoping for flight to KL the next day!!! That time you were staying behind the cinema!! Right!! Memories!!! they are coming back!!! How come I was always last in class when I can remember so much????? HaHa

  24. ANTHONY,


  25. Good Morning Thomas!!!! Was kidding lah!!!! Not actually last!! But in my experience if life in KL if you are not 1st then you are last no place for 2nd or 3rd!! Like in bidding for a project who wants 2nd when only the 1st get the job!!!!! ha ha That's my point!! Actually got 1st in class as pioneer 1 1970 Form 1, went up to stage during morning assembly to receive present ... think it was a story book and a stationary set!!! After that played a lot, makes a lot of friends all over townand slack a bit in my studies so end up in St Pats..
    Skirt chasing!!!! A young boy 14 to 15 skirt chasing!!! No trophies to show for!!! What was I doing??? Only one crush on Sim Pah Moi during my adolescence!!! What end result would I get from the chase!!! I'm cluless!! IT was fun!!

    Leaving Kch, I was complete awaken and dug deep into being a college and got my Diploma in Radio and TV and Industrial Electronics in 3 years!!! Ronald Chung EJ was my room mate then!!! Used to trim his hair and cook for him!!! My specialty is Maggi goreng!!! ha ha

    Hi Thomas gotta chiao!!! working going to artrive site soon!!! catch up in the evening!!!

  26. Hi Anthony,
    Some of our friends you have mentioned that I cannot remember who he was, like william Tay selling ice kachang and Robin Sia stay in KMC flat.
    I remember that Sim Pah Moi usually take bus at sekama bus station and we all follow her to take the bus as we were her body guard.. Our house is walking distance but the attraction was great.
    You still remember you are a good cook for mee goreng.I tried to find my old photos then send to you guy soon.

    E J Chung

  27. Hi EJ!!! Thanks !! you are back!!! Was going to call you tonite already!!! Just finished work for the day!! Raining cats and dogs again!!! Surprise !!! I spoke to Chin Chiang who called from Sibu!! He was having dinner meeting with Ms Anna Chong and he passed his HP to Ms Chong and we spoke for a while!!! She can't remember me!! Told her she must turn up for 2010BB or I will send air ticket to her!! ha ha She says she will turn up!!! great !!! Now we have one more teacher to join us!!! I will definitely go back even if I break a leg!!! ha ha

    We might not remember William as he was our junior!! But you will definitely know Robin Sia (Ah Kheng)He has a brother Ah Beng and eldest Bro Ah Teck who married Ah Wern your neighbor who stays next door to Cicelia at 2 storey block next to yours!! Ah Teck used to work for Lawyer firm John Shek with Ah Wern... His mother used to make Kueh Salad and was your Mum's friend Think she is the few Cantonese Aunties around !!

    Think Ah Kheng now stays at Tabuan Jaya and still sell Belacan Bee Hoon at the same spot or maybe at the swimming Pool!!

    Sim Pah Moi!!! we should stop mentioning about her!! She might shy away from 2010BB!!!! I am going to come with a tag on my shirt saying Chung Eng Jaw!!! ha ha

  28. Hi folks,
    I had uploaded in my facebook some photos of Ms Chong taken this morning and evening which many of you(esp. Ivy & Anthony) had been anxiously waiting for!!

  29. Siong Moh, you mentioned about a teacher by the name of Ms Heng sometime ago? Guess what, Mr. Ting gave me her hubby's hp 0168824393 who happens to be his good friend.

  30. Ted/Thomas,
    Kindly hav the pics of Ms Chong posted in the blog asap for there are many who couldn't wait any longer to see our best history teacher(quoted Ivy). Permission granted to publish her contact:hse no.084-334202, hubby's hp 0168654510 & his email:

  31. Ang Mia Heng, U have been talking too much la.........BB 2010 don't know how much U gonna TALK.........

  32. Thanks CC..for all your efforts and I think the next teacher we going to visit will be Ms Chang Lee Choo and Ms Rose Yong..They are all our favourite teachers and hope they will be joining us as promised...wait for GT to get the invitation card ready and we all get ready to roll off to tackle our teachers....and once again thanks for the great mission..

  33. Hi stingray! ( whoever you are)Think I talk even more than Mia Heng!!! I really might run out of things to say on 2010BB!!! It's the adrenalin rush I get reminising about great times at KTGSS!!!, No other outlet to put them in!!! so be cool Brother!!!
    Pls introduce yourself so everyone following will know who you really are!! We need more stories to make this blog more interesting!!

  34. Thomas, pls take note #131 was duplicated.

    Ivy, I am just doing my part. Hey, you read my mind and that's exactly what I had discussed with Siong Moh over the phone this evening, i.e. we need to deliver the invitation card personally to all the teachers.

    Ted, a big thank you for getting the invitation card out in time for Ms Chong!

  35. Yeah, Mr./Ms. Stingray, we are most delighted to know you...pls make yourself known.





  37. Good Morning Stingray!!!! Very nice of you to respond!!! Also an early bird!! We have to give a very recommendable 'DATUKships" to our blog administrators, Siong Moh, Chin Chiang,David Law etc for their hard work in locating everyone including me!!! That was some task , luckily made easier with new technology like HP and internet to search and connect everyone!!! I feel like I am so near you yet so far from KCH!!! Now you see and now you don't see me will not happen if we are genuinely interested in meeting up all ex KTGSS mates!! Even if internet not available- off line, I will still make HP calls to all the HP contacts saved in my HP extracted from the blog!!! So you can imagine my desperation!!!! I miss everyone of you in KCH!!!

    Have a great Day Stingray ( who ever you are )......

  38. Hi Stingray
    If you are in KCH , we should meet! Publish your contact HP number on Blog or email me!!
    Plan to fly in next week for one night stand!!!

  39. Anthony
    I am just back from KK . We already tried to POW William Tay for the BB and he said can not becuase he too has been waiting for the day to come and really intent to enjoy himself.

  40. Hi Robert! actually to pow him does not literally means to get him to serve his ice kacang!!! His family members will do just as well after he ponteng to KK anyway!! ha ha Ice kacang could be our desert since it is so popular!!! Just reserve 160 bowls for second helpings!!! What say you!!! William better respond positively if not a lot of ex KTGSS mates and teachers are going to be disappointed!!!! Plsssssss William!!!

  41. Anthony

    well this is cny season and wonder he can try. If he can that will be wonderful.

  42. Hi Robert

    I guess whoever wants to try William's ice kacang will have to enjoy eating before CNY.. Ask William to publish to the whole world when he is closing during CNY!!! Ha Ha Readers in this blog are located world wide!!!! Think I try to do that next week!!!!!

  43. Hi Guys

    When writting in this blog better mind your english, remember the teachers are coming and i am sure they are also reading,otherwise come the day of the 2010BB they will be asking what happen to the english they had taught us 40 years ago. Hahaha.

  44. Uncle Fatt Khiong

    Write some thing for me to answer!!

  45. Uncle David Law

    Post some KK photos!!


  47. Hi Yhomas!! Good idea!! Start grading our command of English!! I'm still in the learning process!!! ha ha That's for being last in class always!!!! Ha Ha

  48. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEDecember 20, 2009 at 12:04 PM

    Hai you all aliens out there,

    I was just only a couple of days leaving Kuching and this part of the blog is already full of comments.

    I'm back from Kota Kinabalu on holiday from 14.12.2009 to 17.12.2009 with my family and we are staying at 1BORNEO-Tune Hotel. On the second day we took a free shuttle bus from 1Borneo to Warisan Square. We then took a taxi to Jesselton Point and made a RM118 package trip to 2 islands, Mamutik and Manukan. This fantastic place is for snorkelling & feeding. We reach Mamutik island around 10.30 am and after that we went to Manukan island. We went back around 4.00 pm.

    Firstly, many thousand thanks to you, ROBERT LEE and SUSIE for the beautiful touring of Kota Kinabalu on the third day. He drove us to Tamparuli, a famous place for it's suspension bridge that is Jambatan Tamparuli and then treat us to the famous Tamparuli mee goreng. After that dorve us to the foot of Gunung Kinabalu, Kundasang, and also the Mesilau Nature Resort. These are a must go places in Kota Kinabalu. You see fresh flowers and vegetable farms, range of mountains, valleys and this is one of the places in Sabah where you see many churches along the way. The mountain air is cooling and fresh.The shopping and eating places are quite expensive compared to Kuching.We were also treated to different kinds of seafood during our stay in Kota Kinabalu.

    That will be one of the many memories I'll treasure for many years to come. To Bert and Susie once again my family would like to thank you for the hospitality that you have shown us. GOD BLESS YOU AND FAMILY.

    To all the others writing in this part of the blog please keep it up.

    Have a Nice Day.

  49. Please allow me to quip in... Ali Said is now the proprietor of Satok Jaya Electric. Chang Foh Soon, Lim Liak Ching, George Tan, Goh Sze Kaong are retired, in the pecking order. Yap Nyuk Min can be traced through the Swak Men's Hockey Assoc. Mdm Oui GB is now semi-domiciled in S'pore. Mdm Hajijah is still with KT.
    As my colleague[Mdm Isabella Wong]rightly puts it, once a Townian, always a Townian. We have been informed by Mr.Sim SM of the pioneers' wish to come back to school. 12th January 2010 passed by as the 40th year; also a milestone for the pioneers yes?
    We are open, office hours on 17-19th Feb. Do drop by the admin office and sign in our guest book. Our staff will assist you, should you want to visit old classrooms, familiar haunts, THE ASSEMBLY HALL, or any other reasonable request, in your trip Le Tour de Kch Town. Our security guard will be on the look-out for your impending trip. And should you desire to visit in the evening, just clamber over the gate, head straight to the nearest CCTV, stand still and wave at it. So that our school can get a glimpse of its illustrious sons and daughters[perhaps some of you may feel nostalgic with the climbing...]
    Welcome Home dear Townians!!!

  50. HI POH,


  51. o yes, the leprechauns' hideout@bushes still remain. So u guys slugged it out there then huh..
    Nowadays our chicos are glamor-seeking. They swing from rung to rung under the walkway roof leading from the burnt block to Block B. And when they fall, we have to call the ee-o van. Happened 2 days in a row, what a scenario! Despite the stories about the burnt block being haunted and barbed wires, the kids still go there. Not just the boys but the girls as well!
