Monday, December 14, 2009

Down Memory Lane.... Our Badge

Our 39 year old badge .......

Courtesy of Mr Wilfred Sim Siong Moh



  2. Siong Moh,

    You are great man. Still keeping this. Want to put for auction during the 2010BB?

  3. Hmmmmmmm, memories........

  4. Robert,
    I bought the badge for 30 cents from my form teacher,Ms Chang Lee Choo in 1970.Used for 3 years and kept until now,so how much it is going to worth in the BB auction? Not much,right!!!Better for me to keep it as remembrance of our alma mater.I am not a great man but knows how to keep things but it took me more than a week to locate it.I told Thomas & Ted that I still have the old badge somewhere in my home.

  5. Hail Siong Moh You are the BEST!!!! I have already forgotten how our school looks like!!! Thanks a ton for the memories!!!

  6. Anthony Chan,
    I can drive you to our former school after the BB2010,if you have the time to spare.I think you will be very proud standing at the school that produced a contractor based in Subang Jaya.How many of us dare to venture to West Malaysia to follow your footstep.Ha!Ha!

  7. Hi Siong Moh
    There is only one crazy one who has nothing to loose!! that's me and a newbe Sebestian Kee Guan Chiew who operates a car radiator repair shop in Klang..... Spoke to him, like usual, I do the chasing and calling!!!! He has been here in Klang for 11 years!!! and without this blog, goodness me I'll never know!! Got info from Taiko David Law!!!! Thanks to him!! What do we as school leavers know about greener pastures , we just hope on the flight and venture and makes lots of friends along the way!!Never plan life that way!!! Just go with the flow and I survive!!!Now when I go to Kuching I am like a stranger/ tourist on my own in my own hometown!! Irony!! that's for leaving Kch for 35 years!!!

  8. What happened to CHUNG ENG JAW RONALD???? Somebody look for him at the Golf courses and remind him to come back to this blog!!!! OR i have to call him!!!!He used to tell me lots of stories!!! Maybe He has mellowed!!Common bro come back!!! Give it to me!!! give me something to write about!! Look in my profile friends and you will find Sherry Chan!!! remember Her??

  9. Hi Tony,

    No need to find me at the Golf Course I have not been playing for past 6 months, My clubs handle is say coh ( white powder ).

    I don't remember Sherry Chan where we had met this beautiful lady. You know better because you are more sporting during that time.

    Siong Moh when I saw the badge on the blog, I tried to find where I keep my badge, I have been collection of badges at that time, I have badges from Sibu, Kelantan, Trengganu and many others but cannot find our school badge.
    Really very good remembrance. Do the kg town school badge are same like us?
    Nowaday still busy that why I have no change to call you guy for kopi-o.
    Will try after Chrismas. If Mr Anthony can fly back for one night stand then I have to cha burt(run out of office / no work) Ok

    E J Chung

  10. EJ !!! That was my 1st GF for 4 years!!! you met her!!! 4 years my junior!! Was studying at Methodist Girls School next to British Council Library in KL.
    Just got in touch with her in FB!! Showed my wife Lorraine and she frown at me !!!!! ha ha Still can be friend mah!!! But no meeting in PERSON!!! HARAM!!!!!ha ha only in FB OK !!

  11. Hi Eng Jaw,
    The old and present badge design is still the same except our new state flag is incorporated into the latter.I still have my 35 year old GRSS badge with me.This one is in pretty good condition.
    Agree with you that we should get Anthony to visit Kuching more often.

  12. Siong Moh, U r really great. This old badge still in good condition. As 4 mine, Don't mention. GOOD JOB.

  13. William,
    Thanks.Maybe at the age 20,you brought the badge with you to KK but forget to bring it back to Kuching after staying there for the past 20 plus years!!!

  14. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEDecember 18, 2009 at 10:33 AM

    Siong Moh, I think you can operate an antic shop.....good business you know.....try to get it duplicated in any sport/sourvenir shop in kuching and sell the duplicate badge of KTGSS / GRSS to those who wants to keep them.

    These really bring up the memories of school are great....and for the class photo of 3 Earth, I have scan the photo & it looks fantastic.....sorry for the slight damage....I'm replacing you one of my scanned photo ( can only scan 4")

  15. Hi Siong Moh,
    What David"said is correct, can you duplicate so we can have one as remembrance no matter what is the cost. I think all our classmate would like to have one. is'nt it Robert.
    I still finding the old photos once i find it will email to you.
    Mr Anthony sorry still can know remember Ms Sherry.
    Hope she joint our BB so you can introduce her to all our friends.
    Anthony are you coming for one night stand so many of our friends are waiting for you.
    Siong Moh just call we have a meeting with Richard Lee, Kay Soon and Jim Lee at 101 Premier at 8:00pm today. So bye

    E J

  16. Hi Ronald! Just after work for the day!!! Raining as usual!!! Great that you have found Kay Soon!!! Will have a quick shower and dinner and will call you up to also chat with you great guys in KCH!!! I think I can only make it next week during Xmas break!!My heart is with you guys at the meeting tonite!! ha ha Richard Lee sounds very familiar!!! Is he in our class? maybe a full name might help!!

  17. Hi Anthony,Last night impromptu gathering at Premier 101 consisted of Richard Li Chin Nin (Ah Leng),William Jee,David Law,Chung Eng Jaw,Willie Sim Hong Chew and me. I think Eng Jaw was too excited to get a call from me,thus conveyed the wrong message on those who are attending.So when you are coming to "Cat City"? Or you want us to go over to Subang Jaya!!!.BTW,Richard Li came all the way from Miri for a meeting.

  18. Hi Anthony,

    Sorry I mention Jim Lee is not correct and Kay Soon didn't joint us that night. If you are in kuching all our friends will not be able to go back home before 12:00pm. You better call them early to arrange the meeting with you ok.

  19. Hi Ronald!! don't get excited like Mia Heng!! ha ha Be cool!!!! Then I have to catch the first morning flight to KCH!!Might get more hrs to chat!!
    Hi Siong Moh You all are welcome to Subang Jaya!!!! I'll be a good host!!!

  20. Hi Anthony,
    Be prepared for my surprise Subang Jaya visit!!!Would not contact you until I am at your door step.Get ready to roll out your red carpet for a friend who has not seen each other for 37 years ha ha !!!!.

  21. Hi Siong Moh!!! I'll be eagerly awaiting your calling!!! Please don't 'Liak Ku Chao Pik' as I'm undecided on my departure date to KCH!!

  22. Hi Everybody, I had good news for u all...Huuuuray! we hav found another 3 teachers, namely Ms Lam Cho Pheng(in Miri), Ms Lam Yit Phin(Kuching) & Ms Oui Geok Boi(Spore). Kudos to Yong Mei Ling(2pioneer) for facilitating the contact with them.

    I had a touching teleconversation with Ms Lam CP this morning. Although a bit disappointed when told that she tentatively could not make it(pre-planned trip to KL)but had given an assurance she will call to let us know as the date draws near should there be any changes.

    Hey!....can we hav someone out there to perform some magic to coax her in?? Anthony, what say u? hehe...Oh ya, she can be reached at 085-654768 or 0168670549. So, what are u guys & gals waiting for, huh??

    As for Ms Oui, I will try to meet her with Mei Ling during my xmas holiday in Spore from 23-26Dec and deliver our Invitation Card to her in person. According to Mei Ling, there's a 50-50 chance of her attending our big do!

    I will probably be off air for a couple of days. So, till then, a jolly merry Xmas and a blessed new year 2010 to you all & your loved ones! Bye..

  23. Good Morning Chin Chiang!!! About Ms Lam CP I'll wait and nab her when she arrives at KLIA!!!! ha ha Just post her pix in the blog!!
    Actually I have no recollection of her as my teacher!!! maybe different year or class!!! after 40 yrs You have to aptly describe them!!! I guess a lot of readers need this info to remember!!! You are great to remember each and every teacher!!!

    Have a great Day!!

  24. Hi CC: I had also spoken to Ms Lam CP yesterday..hahah.. she remember me as the small dark girl with long hair...who swim..anywhere she promise she will join us if the KL trip is off..
    so enjoy your holidays in S'pore and send my regards and loves to Mei Ling and wish you and your family a very merry christmas and a happy happy new year...


  25. Yalah I know Ivy... you are one of the hitam manis back then besides Lucy Yong & Rose Law.
    Thanks for your thoughtfulness. Will convey yr regards as requested.

    Ted, pls add Jamel who won't want to miss this golden opportunity to meet all his "lau sin say & lau pen yu". He will fly in from KL on 16-18 Feb and stays at Hilton Hotel.

    Anthony, Ms Lam might not be teaching your batch. You can view her photo in one of my album in FB. Or else ask Thomas to post that pic. showing the swimming beauties of KTGSS with the late Mrs. Ngiam & Ms Lam back in the 70s!

  26. I have posted this mail from Brian Thian Kuet Choi who is now living in Melbourne.


    Hmn...I think you've got me...and I think I can remember who you are - all those years ago in Kuching Town

    I see that you guys are organising a KTSS re-union in Feb. 2010 and I recognised some of the names on the list...

    I'm now living in Melbourne and am not sure at this stage if I could join you all. I actually attended our St. Joseph's re-union last July and that was great. I'm sure this one will be as well with the re-acquanting of old classmates/friends & teachers...yes, I do remember Anna Chong.

    Png Tchio Nam is in Miri. He was back for the St Joe re-union too. Yeo Min Hou is in Kuching while Sim Cho Joo is in Singapore. Hi guys, cc to you for yr info....

    I will let you know soon if I could attend...

  27. Hi Brian Thian,
    Firstly,we must thank David Law for making great effort to trace you.For me,I still remember your name but can't recall how you look during school days.You are the only one with a surname 'Thian'.Hope that ex-townians who migrated overseas,not only read our blog but contribute some input to keep it lively.Surely may classmates and schoolmates would like to hear from your experience since leaving KTGSS,especially Lawrence Ang Choo Teck (Edmonton,Canada),Stephen Wee Chao Guan (Sydney)and many others.The blog administrators surely welcome your participation.Wishing you all A Merry Xmas and Happy New Year 2010.




  29. Hi Guy, I manage to get hold of our form 1 Mars form teacher (1971) Mrs. Kuek and she is confirming coming for the BB2010 and will meet her next week to give her the invitation card.

    Siong Moh: This morning I was in Normah Medical Centre and met our Dr Teo Yu Teck and he had given me the phone number of Png Chio Nam (016 861 0243) you dont mind to call him.

  30. Hi Ivy Lai,
    Thanks.I'll definately try to contact him in Miri.

  31. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEDecember 24, 2009 at 12:28 PM

    Hai All guys & gals out there,

    I'm very happy and glad to be able to have found back old classmates / friends during my primary and secondary school days. These friends were once my good buddies. I remember I eat and sleep in their house during those days. To Kuet Choi, Chio Nam and Bill Chua, history is back and looking forward to meet you all now and then in the coming years. It is very sad that another long lost friend could not be contacted and he is none other than Ng Kee Kit who I always remember the one who bought me a present and if I'm not mistaken it is a helicopter. I wish the new year 2010 will bring that reunion and hope for the best of meeting him. Wherever he may be, I wish him the best of luck and that he may one day appear in our ship of friendship. I do treasure this friendship for many years to come.

    Love Always. David Law & Family

  32. hi everyone,

    received calls from siong moh, david law and gabriel teo and the earliest being Ah Say(chong kah siew).

    Thank you all for calling and letting me know about the reunion. It is good to see all your names appearing here and most do ring a bell somehow. I will need to dig deeper into my brain matter.

    I will make arrangements and will inform you whether I can make it.

    Anyway, a Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to you all

  33. Hi David,

    If i am not mistaken, Our friend Ng Kee Kit is with Shell Miri. (Tel:085-454545)

    Try your luck!!!!!

  34. Hai Ivy. U really good 2 get in touch with friends n teachers. This Merry Christmas greeting is 4 U only. Eh.....

  35. williamtmh@hotmail.comDecember 26, 2009 at 8:12 PM

    Hai Chin Chiang. Didn't add yr name in. Good Job

  36. Hi Everyone!!! Just met up with Sebestian Kee Guan Chiew at Klang at his workshop and spend 3 hrs at his watering hole...Dark place! Ha Ha Coco lounge> Hard to keep up with him!!! David ... he got me in his pocket!!! Managed to find my way back to Subang Jaya in my Honda Cub virtually floating!!! Had a great time catching up with him though!!
    Also met up with Siong Moh at Garden Hotel Mega Mall Mid Valley KL a couple of hrs ago!!! Had about an hr's chat with him after attending a wedding dinner!!! Was great chatting with him also after all these missing years!!!

  37. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEDecember 28, 2009 at 12:29 PM

    Png Chio Nam & Michael Chong,

    Nice to hear from the both of you and to Michael I would like to thank you for posting the contact of Ng Kee Kit. I'll try to contact him. To the two of you please keep up on your comments in this blog.

    Have A Nice Day.

  38. David Law,
    In case you call Kee Kit,ask him to find out whether Ali Sanyut is still working at Shell Malaysia.Few years ago,someone mentioned to me he was based in Bintulu/Miri.

  39. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEDecember 29, 2009 at 7:27 AM

    Siong Moh,

    I've called Shell MIRI but was informed that there is no such name in their comapny. I'll try to call Shell Bintulu today (29.12.2009).

    How's your holiday in KL? Did our AUNT TOH NEE treat you and family to breakfast, lunch or dinner? I hope you bring that bottle of wine for us to drink here in Kuching. Tony says he's sponsoring that bottle of wine.

  40. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEDecember 29, 2009 at 7:38 AM

    Siong Moh,

    I called Shell Miri but was informed that there is no such person in their company. I'll try to call Shell Bintulu this morning (29.12.09).

    How's your holiday in Kuala Lumpur? Any treat from AUNT TOH NEE, breakfast, lunch or dinner. You better get that bottle of wine from him so that we can enjoy ourself here in Kuching. Have a nice flight home to Kuching. See you then.

  41. Good Morning David,
    So sorry couldn't pass Siong Moh the bottle of Green Lable-Pure Malt Johnny Walker Whisky 15 years not wine!! I remember talking to you on the wedding dinner night!! Left with a cab straight to see Siong Moh after dinner at about 10:45pm! Will bring the bottle back in a couple of days personally and some more red wine if allow to carry thru!! Just hold your horses guys!! Have a great day !!!

  42. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEDecember 29, 2009 at 9:55 AM

    Hai Guys,

    Brian Thian is in FB. Anyone wants to know or see his face feel free to do so. In FB you'll all see his profile.

    Brian, I hope you don't mind me posting this information in the blog.

  43. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEDecember 29, 2009 at 1:40 PM

    Are you sure you're coming back this few days.
    Don't say only, just bring it back so that we here can enjoy the drink and get drunk. WE CAN'T HOLD THE HORSES ANYMORE......FOR ME, I ONLY WANT TO HAVE A SMELL OF THE WINE....SORRY CANNOT DRINK...advised by doctor that if I want to drink don't drink alang...alang

  44. Aunt Toh Nee,
    You are right, David,we cannot hold the horse for too long therefore you have to make a trip to meet all your wonderful friends whom want you to buy us the all night long drink, Don't work work and forget to all the friends waiting for you.
    Try to arrange Guan chiew as well .
    Call us when you have make the decision ok.

    Eng Jaw

  45. Mei Ling just called from Johor Bharu to inform that our teacher(1971), Ms Oui Geok Boi(Mrs. Teo) now residing in Singapore, has accepted our invitation to attend the BB2010. Whew!!... Glad to hear that Mei Ling is also making effort to join us!

  46. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEDecember 30, 2009 at 11:13 AM

    Hi, Guys,

    I've had great online chat with Pn'g CN yesterday, talking about memories of pri. & sec. school days, about 2+ hours, that was fun, to Pn'g CN, keep it up and feel free to comments in the blog... cos comments will be forever remembered.

  47. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEDecember 30, 2009 at 11:27 AM

    Hi, 3rd KTGSS Batches,

    Nothing commented from you guys in the blog..., feel free to comment on anything so that those from your batch will response and it will make the blog more lively..., from there we from the 1st & 2nd batch might join in...,then on the day of BB2010 we would be feeling free to interact with each other...
    among you guys there i'm sure you might know someone in the 1st & 2nd batch.....among my colleaque i've two from your batch...
    This morning, I had an online chat with LUCY YONG, i presume you 3rd batch guys know who she is...some intrduction from me of her...she's one of the KTGSS softball team, hitam-manis when she was young, staying in KK with the family for many years... to those who know her say a few words in the blog and then get the ball rolling.
