Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ho Ho Ho ... Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year 2010

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year 2010.

Happy Holidays.......

From the Big Bash 2010 Organizing  Committee.

Thomas Koh
Alice Wee
Wilfred Sim Siong Moh
David Law
Abang Moasili
Ivy Lai
Samuel Ho
Teo Chin Chiang
Lau Poh Ling
Ted Yong


  1. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEJanuary 1, 2010 at 11:01 AM

    Today is 01 January 2010, year 2009 has passed and another year is the begining of another chapter in our life.
    I would like to share this article which I've read and it sounds like this....

    ONE LIFE, Brood over life and you'll simply exist, Learn to celebrate it, and you'll really live. WHY SO SERIOUS?

    Actually life is not serious. We are the one who make it so. A saying goes 'Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out of it alive". Seriousness is ugly, gloomy and boring and life is beautiful, happy and exciting. Life is all we have now, so live it to the fullest and every moment of it. The purpose of life is to live happily ever after.

  2. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEJanuary 1, 2010 at 11:14 AM

    SCORPIO : 23/10 - 21/11 :Year 2009 Overview
    Get out there and communicate your passionate awareness to the world this year, Scorpio! As you articulate your beliefs, you will move your life -- and the planet -- toward a more spiritual and thoughtful reality. Positively express yourself and your vision, and you will be a source of great inspiration.

    Scorpio loves challenges, especially when it involves transformational energy. As you purify your instincts and overcome any fears of letting your creative passion flow, a newfound enthusiasm and strength will arise within you, and affect everyone around you.

    You see yourself in a completely different light this year as you discover new ways of bringing harmony into your life and communicating on a deeper level. Accept who you are at the core, and you will experience a wholeness you never thought possible. Trusting yourself is the key to spiritual growth.

  3. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEJanuary 1, 2010 at 11:32 AM

    Monkey Overview for Year 2009

    This year offers the Monkey some opportunities to go far with your talents. The Monkey's generous nature may leave you stretched in several different directions, so it is important to stay focused in order to achieve the goals you have set for yourself this year. You will be given the opportunity to impress the right people both in business, as well as in your personal life. Don't hold back this year, for this could be one that will leave an impression over the course of the next few years.

    Monkey Rating
    49% (4 favorable and 5 neutral and 3 unfavorable months)

    Monkey Career
    Great strides can be made in your career this year. Timing is everything and in your case, time is on your side. You will be in the right place at the right time to impress the decision makers in your career. The steady Ox rewards those with strong work ethics and the Monkey will surely reap the benefits of your labor. Don't hesitate to do anything that will aid your skills and benefit your position.

    Monkey Relationships
    This could be a busy year for you domestically. Look to your family for the encouragement and support you need. On the same token, it is important for you to listen and heed the advice of those who care. Your social life is active filled with plenty of opportunities to make new friends. Don't forget the ones that have been with you through the rough times, as it is just as important to offer your time with your existing relations.

    Monkey Health
    Take note that there are several high points to your year. With such a busy social year, you may stretch yourself thin with your health. Be aware of your energy levels throughout the year, as you may need some added rest to counter your affairs. It would be wise to take an active part in your health, taking up a new form of exercise that follows your interests: martial arts or dancing are two good possibilities.

    Monkey Wealth
    This could be a great year for the Monkey financially. You will possibly make great gains in this area throughout the year. Due to your generous nature, you may have a difficult time refraining from giving to others. Be mindful of this and make sure you give to yourself every once in a while because you deserve it.

  4. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEJanuary 1, 2010 at 11:38 AM

    Rooster Overview for Year 2009

    Get ready for an outstanding year. Aside from the Snake, the Rooster has the best prospects in the year of the Ox. This is the kind of year you have been waiting for, as everything seems to go your way. You have been diligently working towards some long term goals that finally come together this year. Your relations are felt at new levels, as you find a sense of satisfaction that you may not have experienced in a long time. Things you may have thought not possible will become a reality for you in this positive year.

    Rooster Rating
    72% (10 favorable and 2 neutral months)

    Rooster Career
    Determination and diligence are two key aspects that put the Rooster over the top this year. 2009 is a year that you should promote yourself: Your ideas and your talents will be highly regarded and you will be recognized for past and present efforts. Give it your best this year and seize any opportunity that presents itself. This year will certainly be a landmark for years to come, as you will remember it as one of your most productive times in your life.

    Rooster Relationships
    Domestic matters will fare well for the Rooster this year. You will find comfort in the support and encouragement of family members and friends alike. Seek advice from your seniors, as they may provide information that opens doors to areas that are not known. The social life for the Rooster is a busy schedule. You will enjoy the company of others in many social functions and parties. Romance is highly favorable for the unattached Rooster, so flaunt your feathers.

    Rooster Health
    Health issues are minor for the Rooster this year. Though exercise and diet are not an issue, you may have a problem maintaining the discipline of a steady routine. Take the time to get the exercise you need and everything should work out fine for you. Being somewhat of a risk taker, you may want to try something new that holds your interests. Consider surfing or parasailing to indulge your fancy.

    Rooster Wealth
    This a great year financially for the Rooster. If you have any available funds, you may want to reinvest it in your work. This could prove to be highly favorable and you will reap the benefits in your return. One key issue is your spending habits. Make sure you don't spend the money before it is in the bank or this could pose a problem with your budget. Receive professional advice for any large investments in areas that you are unfamiliar.

  5. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEJanuary 1, 2010 at 11:42 AM

    Dog Overview for Year 2009

    2009 will present the Dog with a number of challenges. Your patience will certainly be tested in more than one instance. You may not necessarily gain the notoriety you desire in your career, but certain advancement opportunities will surface throughout the year. You will find comfort with your family and solidify bonds that are necessary for your well being. You may have issues juggling your family life with your work schedule, but you will make great strides in both areas by the end of the year.

    Dog Rating
    52% (5 favorable, 4 neutral and 3 unfavorable months)

    Dog Career
    Your work will play a large role in the year of the Ox. You may find yourself working long hours to achieve a promotion or to further your pursuits. Though you may only see minor results this year from your hard work, your ethics do not go unnoticed. Later in the year, you may be offered a step in the right direction, which will flourish sometime next year. Stay focused and be willing to listen to the advice of others and you should have a promising year with your work.

    Dog Relationships
    Domestically, the Dog can achieve new levels in a relationship this year. People who know you think highly of you, as you are a well respected individual for your work ethics and your devotion to the ones you love. Be open to communication, as you may, at times, be unwilling to change your views even when your partner has a valid point. If you can work on this issue, then you will find your relations with family members and friends very gratifying this year.

    Dog Health
    Your strong work ethics leave you working long hours, sometimes denying the warning signs of the effects on your health. Take the proper breaks and give yourself the time to recuperate from your busy work schedule or you may be out longer than you desire. You are instinctively a very active person and exercise is not something that you need to remind yourself to do.

    Dog Wealth
    Financially, you may not achieve the results you seek, but you are well on your way. Keep your spending within your budget, even though there may be items that you desire to purchase to enrich your home. The time will come to make the changes, just focus on the basics for now. There may be a change for the better towards the end of the year, so be patient and exercise care when it comes to spending.

  6. Hi David!!!! That's great forecast for Anthony the rooster!!!! So I should sit back and enjoy the whole year Ha Ha.... I might just pick up my old Carbonex 20 and fly to KCH to have a few games with you!!! Played at Rumah Dayak in Kch before!!My brother in law, Kenneth Tan of Ken Enterprise is also an avid player!! You might know him!! He contracted to paint the whole of KMC flats a couple of years ago! Happy New Year

  7. HI David

    Your overview is for 2010 or 2009?

  8. David Law of F.R.A.N.C.E. in BLUEJanuary 3, 2010 at 2:27 PM

    Hi, Anonymous

    OVERVIEW OF YEAR 2009, I'm still waiting to post the 2010 forcast. You just relax and read what was last year than compare with this year.
