Friday, November 27, 2009

Hi Sandra

Thank you so much for your postings. Can you give us your details, especially your email so that we can update our data base and put you in our email loop.
We are trying to reach out to as many as possible. We noticed that many from your batch have not responded or we have yet to reach them. Can you assist to find your classmates and spread the news of the coming Reunion Party ?
We suppose we can put you down as joining the Party....


  1. Hi Sandra, would be grateful if you could get Aisah Eden and from your fb I saw you have a gathering in Sarawak Club just recently and there are a few girls I knew but I can't remember their names and thanks for adding Helen in my fb and I hope we can get all your batch to come especially Lucy Sim as I can't get her now cos of school holidays and my boy will not be going back after this year (he just complete) form 5. Hope to hear the good news from you.

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