Tuesday, March 2, 2010




  1. Hi, Anonymous HHH

    What has been instructed by you on the handover is as shown in this photo. The school PTA has again thank you for your kind & generous donation. As seen in the photo are; on my right Ricky Ma Ming Khiong (P2), myself, The Principal, the lady at the back on the left is Poh Meng Eng, Isabella Wong and Mr Tan Hun Seang.

  2. Dear Townians,
    i am about to go into a topic that most would find it awkward and uneasy to do so. Please bear with me k.
    Last Saturday our school had its biennial PTA AGM. I didn't attend coz went back to Kuantan for my obligations. One of the issues raised were the hot and stuffy classrooms of Block K ie. the one that David, Ricky, Siong Moh and Thomas entered in their recent visit on March 3rd. Due to the inclement weather[some blame Mr El Nino] for the erratic humidity of which our 6 classes of form 5 and 4 Pure Science are facing, the school is hoping to fix a heat insulator up in the rafters.

    Whilst every endeavour is made to address this matter immediately, Isabella and i had been toying with the proposal to make use of the gracious amount donated by caring pioneers. The parent-architect-pta exco member gave his advice after inspecting the condition in addition to a conservative estimate of fitting the insulator. The amount is around rm12k...
    We intend to write to the current crop of students' guardians to request for cash donation perhaps a meaningful amount of rm50 per child. Coupled with the earlier commitment, we hope to raise the quoted amount a.s.a.p.
    Though it sounds like i am begging in this blog but i am convinced that there are many Townians out there who would readily chip in for the sake of our kids, if not for the later generation. Fyi, there is no impending news about a new block to replace the other one hence, the discomfort of studying in the class under the sweltering heat for an average of 6 hours daily, is something we can all rally around to assist our kids yes... Believe me, i have taught in that block for the past 3 years and just being there for 80 minutes per lesson daily is fine with me coz i have an aircond sanctuary to run to upon finishing class. But our patient kids are still soldiering on in the microwave till 1310 hours...

  3. Hi Ms Poh Meng Eng...It is possible to publish an account number/ name the bank and whoever wishes to contribute towards the PTA fund can do so..to see you if they want an acknoledgement..or to contribute anonymously...you might be supprise at the contributions!! Anyone to second this motion?? Have a great day everyone!!!

  4. Hi, Main Committee, Anthony & Poh ME

    I'm in for your idea of the publishing of the school PTA account & name of the bank for the contribution to the heat insulator for Block "K" classroom in this blog.......probably that would help in the contribution......and for those who have not contribute during the BB17022010 can do so......!!!!!??????.....well!!!!just reduce the month's betting for 4D, TOTO or Cash Sweep would be good enough for the contribution.....OR any amount would do by passing your contribution to the main working committee of BB2010 to be handed to the PTA of the school......what say you guys of the blog administrators.....another COOKIE JAR!!!!.....OR any ideas besides mine

  5. Dear Townians,

    I am at wits end regarding the way to "cool down" Block K. I've been given all kinds of suggestions as to what can be done onlty to be shoot down by the next person as'"not effective". As such I appeal to any of you in this field to come in and have a look and advise us. Thanks.

  6. Another COOKIE JAR OR MILO TIN, no problems, brother David. Let's start the mi...lo...mi...lo...sihat untuk kamu. I want to put Rm 100 in the blog COOKIE JAR for the PTA. Brothers and sisters let's start filling the COOKIE JAR with RM. Any amount no problem. Got money, give money, no money, give strenght.

  7. Dear Unc Fatt Khiong, David, Anthony,
    Tqvvm for your enthusiasm! Will post the PTA account number a.s.a.p. Getting to know u pioneers in February is a great start for this year. Agree with Unc FK that any amount will do, or moral support for that matter. GOD bless u all!!!

  8. Hi Ms Poh Meng Eng....I have been visiting this blog daily for the past week....so quiet....can hear myself breathing..ha ha...At last you responded..Thanks so much..was almost giving up...all the others have gone Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! ha ha am eagerly waiting always!! Have a great Day...

  9. Hi, Poh ME & Anthony

    The blog is !!!zzzzzzzzz!!! and hardly alive....only the 4 of us posting in.......quiet after the last posting by Fatt Khiong on 31 March 10'.......today's Hit Counter is 21,809.....let us see how far it goes.......it would still be OK if the hits keep on increasing but would love to see posting once in a while OR else it will sleep till the next (2 years from now) !!!!!!!REUNION!!!!!!!

    Where are all the Monkeys..Roosters..Dogs...etc????????!!!!!!!

  10. Slamat Sore, Anthony and David, and others too,
    Last week was a hectic week, minus Friday a public holiday for Sabah and Sarawak. Anthony in KL sure had to apply his own leave yes?
    Our school may go ahead to fix one classroom first, trial basis. In the meantime, we have thrown the idea of parents contributing for this one-off project to the students. Some can grasp the severity of the idea whilst some kiasu kids are hesitant; "why i must contribute? this year end i finish form 5 already mah.." [sigh... such kids... whose offspring?"
    Whichever way it goes, the heat will not disappear without real efforts, and sacrifice of RM/sen... Some may wonder why don't just fix aircond? Our edu dept has issued reminders for govt schools not to fix them coz the hefty electric bills eat into annual allocation. Moreover we have to be on an austerity drive in spending esp for govt sch.
    Will post the PTA account number after this. Need to chase after the custodian/teacher first... cheerio!

  11. Dear Senior Townians,
    appendix to last comment:
    Persatuan Ibu Bapa Guru(PIBG) SMK Bandar Kuching No.1; Maybank 511234009110.
    With much gratitude and thanks, from the Principal, staff and PIBG SMKBKNo.1. GOD bless u all!

  12. Sorry I just came back from Sibu. Alamak! So quiet in this blog or just after the sunami kah.
    A sai mui can I just bank in my rm 100 to the PTA account or I pass it to you. Rm 100 is not much but at list it can buy a few block of bricks.

  13. Hi Uncle Fatt Khiong...nice to see you are back....great gesture!!! cheerios!!! You play with bricks every other night..what is buying a few more bricks...ha ha I think it is the thought that counts...1 ringgit a day also add up to 365 ringgit a year...ha ha Bricks as in Mah Jong for you and real bricks for me in constructions...ha ha...we should do something with in our means... Definitely!!! Have a great weekend everyone!!

  14. Dear Uncle Fatt Khiong,
    Tqvvvm for starting the ball rolling. Anthony is right, it is the thought that counts not the amount. Bricks in your mahjong, in A's construction, and in my gardening(don't know what else to use brick for except be a 'stool' for my flower pots); plenty of uses yes?
    Tomorrow the roof works will begin. Being a Sunday, there will be no kids around while by Monday the situation may warrant us to close down some rooms for safety purposes. Actually we have an understanding with the contractor ie. i-o-u basis coz the $ in hand is sufficient for 3 classrooms at the moment. So we tell the students the game is "1-2 zom,whichever class submits the fastest collection, will get the insulator earliest". An effective way to make those ngiau siau kids/parents to perk up and pay heed to their well-being.....

  15. Uncle Fatt Khiong,
    Forgot to reply you... Isabella and i can always meet you outside or perhaps you would like to come in to school, since you missed the bus to school last February hehe... Any time at your convenience, is fine with us.


    12th April 2010
    Dear Parents/Guardians,
    Your child/ward __________ in Form ___ is currently placed in Block K. Whilst the learning facilities and electrical fittings in the six classrooms are satisfactory, the physical condition ie. heat, is unavoidable. Our children have expressed their grouses about the unconducive classroom environment.
    In the Parents teachers Association/PIBG AGM on 27th March 2010, it was proposed and endorsed that the school should proceed with immediate action to:
    i) supply and lay Axis Insulation
    ii) supply and install twelve(12) units of 14" turbine ventilation.
    The total cost is RM12,000. We would appreciate a generous contribution from each family to enable us to carry out this project.
    Thank You for your kind understanding and caring.
    President, PTA SMK Bandar Kuching No.1
    >>>>>>>>>>> cut here <<<<<<<<<<<
    (reply statement)

    The above is a sample of the letter circulated to the parents of this school to contribute to the Block K project{and our fervent hope to draw Townians' attention to this short-term fund raising project. As Uncle Fatt Khiong put it, "got $ give , no $ can give strength"}

  17. Tony,
    By the way how is your son. We all pray for his speedy recovery. Oh talk about bricks, yes if every body try to donate few block of bricks, Iam sure we can help to rebuilt the burnt down classroom or even the great wall. So Ah kong, Ah mah, Unties and Uncles, the PTA need your bricks and support.

  18. Hi Fatt Khiong...Aaron is better now...back to his naughty self...never at home again....sick only at home...too much engagements...building his PR...says he...ha ha..can only support him when I still can...what to do...we were naughty then... so kids also naughty now...at least I know he is alive...ha ha

    Now that the Maybank a/c is publish everyone with a heart for KTGSS will chip in something for PIBG....it's payback time....have a nice weekend....and FK win more tonight at the table and chip in extra...ha ha

  19. Tony dont worry. if on the table I won I will sure chip in something for PIBG.
    kids are normal when they are naughty but you must see what type of friends they mix around.

  20. Hi, Poh ME, Anthony & Fatt Khiong

    .....have just browse into our blog this morning and nice to see that something is going on.......busy for the last few days.......my father had his colonoscopy last Thursday and is going on fine but last night had severe bleeding and is hospitalised.........myself is also going for colonoscopy probably next month to check for polyps.........to prevent from colon cancer..........need information on colon cancer go to "colonoscopy" in Google search machine

    .......my contribution to KTGSS PIBG is on and will either bank-in or handover..........for PIBG's policy, I think any contribution will be recorded and receipted...............HAVE A NICE DAY

  21. Hi David...sad to hear about your Father...pray he gets well soon...will definitely go to seek more info on colonoscopy...need to be aware as we are not getting any younger...Thanks for info...have healthy days ahead....

  22. Brother David
    Sorry to hear that your dad is hospitalised. Let us all pray for his speedy recovery.

  23. Hi, Anthony & Fatt Khiong

    Thanks for your concern....God Bless you guys for your kind words...Have A Nice Day

  24. Hi Fatt Khiong and David...was at Maybank this morning...contributed to KTGSS PIBG already....Feel happy again ..might go again next week!!! ha ha Have a great week ahead!!!

  25. Hi Guys and Ms Poh,

    Hey, I still do logon, but off late have been busy. This site is really Zzzzzzzzzzz. We have to start something to get all the Pioneers to log in again.

    Being overseas is slightly difficult for me to walk into a bank or drop in my contribution. However, I'm planning a trip back to Kuching, so I'll contribute then.

    I agree with David that we should publish the contributors. This would 'chia yu' for those potential contributors.

    I felt sad to see the school rather run down during the school visit. So, this is a good opportunity to give back to the school.

    David, are you passing the message to the gang during get-togethers?

  26. Joo, Anthony, David, Fatt Khiong, Siong Moh, et.al.,
    As i type this i can't help shedding tears of gratitude and appreciation of your enthusiastic efforts to assist our school.
    I BELIEVE IN ANGELS... before this week, Unc Fatt Khiong began his commitment. Yesterday i got sms from Anthony after trip to bank; today David with some info. Not long after, Siong Moh walked in to my room for a chat, and hey, presto, i also received a new roll of nursery netting to replace the shabby and torn piece for our arboretum@plant nursery. This evening, Joo's clarion call makes it even more memorable and sweet; THE SCHOOL IS PROUD OF ITS SONS AND DAUGHTERS who have rallied around with financial, material and moral support... i am overwhelmed by your sincere magnanimity!!! Reckon i need to stop awhile and reflect, and give thanks to God[and also to wipe my tears]

  27. Hi PME...don't be so emo lah...ha ha KTGSS is our beloved school too!!!....everyone is already ZZZZZZZZZ ...now you make everyone ZZZZZ and teary too...ha ha The support will come as revealed in the recent BB2010...just keep your fingers crossed...no tears pls!! have a great Day!!! You look great smiling....Tsuyoshi San..ha ha my new Japanese name!!

  28. Haid!! Arigato gozaimas, Tsuyoshi-san,
    Sounds tastier if "Sushi-san"...
    Cannot help being emo... so overwhelmed by the many pioneers and friends chipping in for the school. Reckon that we should ask, or make known our wishes, let GOD do the rest... by sending angels, like u all, to make real the plans for our kids' welfare.
    Perhaps, as Joo suggested, we will post the names of contributors here. And for those who bank in, could do like what Anthony did, give me a sms or a tinkle, so that i can add to the list too.

  29. poh meng eng'
    JUST ADD Rm 200.00 FOR 'MILO TIN' WILL PASS THE MONEY to siong moh...this week ....WE LOVE OUR SCHOOL...

  30. A Sai Mui
    This few days I am quite busy and I cant drop by the school so I passed my rm 100 to our brother David already. Hidup PIBG
    Brother Tony, well done. Make sure it is rm and not red wine for PIBG

  31. Another brother PCK add rm... to the MILO TIN. Well done. Come on brothers and sisters the MILO TIN is not full yet. We still need your support. Any amount will do. Dont worry this is not like auction. If people give rm 500, you dont have to give higher than them. jangan malu malu.

  32. Hi Fatt Khiong, PCK, Siong Moh and David....well done everyone...I have a feeling this is going to pick up momentum very soon....If only half the hits contribute to PIBG..PME will need a wheel barrow to transport the collections..ha ha
    Uncle Fatt Khiong...red red wine is for auction to the highest bidder and it goes to the MILO TIN too...ha ha
    Cheerios!! Tsuyoshi...pronounce Tze...yo ..shi..ha ha

  33. Hi guys...the hit reading is 22094...take it as RM1 per hit...would have collected RM22,094...more than enough for the heat insulations project...ha ha ...We definitely can achieve this figure....Common everyone...let's do it!!!!

    Tsuyoshi....look east policy??? what a laugh!!

  34. Moshi moshi Tsuyoshi-san and pioneer friends,
    Seems like Anthony suddenly has gone ga-ga over anything that is Japanese...
    Today is a truly hot day. With clear blue sky and fluffy clouds, it is a sure sign that the hot weather is here to stay. I went to the Block K at noon, and my! the heat is felt on the cement floor of the walkway. Fortunately, the internal situation has improved. The students seemed looked quite fine, no sweaty faces nor stinky odour pervading their classroom like before without insulation and ventilator tops.
    They cheered when i made an announcemnt that u pioneers are moving matters; in fact faster than these kids' parents are doing. One or two had already went into my Facebook to link with Anthony. Another asked me if Unc Fatt Khiong has a fb, coz he said his mom's sis is married to Unc; Clement Liew is my 5th former. U guys wouldn't mind if i told them bits and peices of the BB reunion, pioneers' trip back to the past, your blog etc?
    O yes, Siong Moh brought in a roll of netting for the arboretum. The young plants that we propagated there will surely thrive and grow,plus the magic potion we use......

  35. PCK,
    i didn't forget u. Long time we didn't do spelling test hoh... Tqvvm for your contribution! David and Siong Moh are making a date with us in school some time soon. Isabella and i are in the process of getting the school bell plaque hung up at the original spot[remember your suggestion?]

  36. A Sai Mui
    I got the fb but sorry I seldom go to fb cos not familiar. I still prefer our blog. Let them join us at our blog. oh yes Clement Liew's mum third sister is my wife. About the BB for me, I think is ok just tell them and show them our photos and how naughty the pioneer are. But dont follow our naughty ways. Tell them to put in more effort in their studies. ok bye

  37. Brother Tony,
    I think this few days I want to put in rm for the MILO TIN again cos last wednesday I didnt buy the 4D, TOTO and sweep cash. So the rm I save should go to the MILO TIn. I think my mahjong bricks will send for auction like your red wine. Every time play, every time kalah.

  38. Hello... Hello....Ah kong Robert, Jim, PCK, sister Ivy and many many friends come in please. Dont let this blog die off. Last but not least dont forget our took took sister. Please come and took took here.

  39. Ha ha uncle Fatt Khiong...we must have telepathic connections...I decided not to visit Toto on wednesday too..so will do the same by visiting Maybank again next week...ha ha Don't worry about Fb..your farm can also auction off already...ha ha..If I cannot find you here or FB ...I will visit you again in Kuching...ha ha sad to missed you on my last trip on March 22nd.....will see you soon I hope!!

  40. poh meng eng,
    a true story to sure ,when i was in FROM 1 EARTH... MY FATHER PAST AWAY....our teacher ANNA CHONG STARTED staffs collection from school teacher 23.00 dollars.handed to me...at that times my mother was Very sick having kidney trouble . THANK YOU ANNA CHONG..YOUR GOOD MORAL ALWAYS REMBEMBER BY MY FAMILY...

  41. Sim Siang Moh came to see me half an hour ago to pass the contribution from:

    1. Phang Hian Thai - RM100
    2. Kho Phek Chiang - RM200

    both from pioneer 1

    On behalf of the PIBG, Thank You very much. Will get the treasurer to issue receipt on Monday. Thanks again.

  42. Hi, Friends

    Nice to see that contributions are starting to pour in.......keep it up guys.......you will feel good to help the school we once studied during our younger days........lie down , relax and cycle back to the early seventies to feel the nostalgic moments......stretch out our hands and lend a helping hand to the benifit of the school.....the students are like daughters and sons of us pioneers

    ...the weather of yester years is very much different from today.....GOD BLESS YOU ALL.......LOVE ALWAYS

  43. Hi, Friends.......something for you guys to spell backward to release NOISNET

    The Moment you are in NOISNET
    You will lose your NOITNETTA
    Then you are in total NOISUFNOC
    And you will feel NOITATIRRI
    Then you will spoil personal NOITALER
    Ultimately, you won't get NOITAREPO-OC
    Then you will turn things into NOITACILPMOC
    Then your blood pressure may raise NOITUAC
    And you may have to take NOITACIDEM

    Instead, understand the NOITAUTIS
    And try to think about the NOITULOS
    Many problems will be solved by NOISSUCSID
    This will work out better in your NOISSEFORP
    Don't think it's my free NOITSEGGUS
    It's only for your NOITNEVERP
    If you understand my NOITNETNI
    You will never come again to NOISNET

  44. We.. are.. the pio...neer. we..are.. the world. The younger generation of KTGSS to need our support.
    As promised, I want to add another rm 100 to the MILO TIN. The rm 100 which I had saved from the donation to the 4D,Toto last wednesday. Brother Tony have gone to the Maybank.

  45. uncle fatt khiong,
    you already started dragon head and hope more pioneers will join the dragon tail
    to build up the longest 100 akong ,ah mah dragon..100x RM50.00= ???? KTGSS MILO TIN DRAGON

  46. Hi Uncle Fatt Khiong...we're playing poker or what!!..ha ha as long as you do not 'up me' I'll follow..to see your cards...ha ha If you 'up' I will sell Honda Cub and follow to see your cards too...ha ha

  47. Hi PCK...not dragon head lah!! TIGER head mah!! year of the tiger...Why RM50 so much....22217 x RM1 per hit will be more than enough to meet desired target....ha ha....you already hit 200 times...Thank you!!!

  48. Hi PCK...mistake...plus PTA cookie jar..should be 250 hits..Great!!! this is sure going to be a successful joint contributions...Cheerios!!

  49. Moments ago Anthony sms-d to inform he made 2nd trip to Maybank, KL. Methinks that Anthony's and Unc FKhiong's wifeys must be elated that their hubbies are going to the bank more often rather than go pay homage to the toto-magnum-sweep. On the other hand, the chaps there may be cursing KTGSS for enticing away their regular patrons.haha...
    Anthony, very cannot sell Honda Cub lei... That is a nostalgic memento right? The vehicle that allows much privacy for u and wifey[no kids can tag along], ultra-handy to zip around and park easily when u need to pop in the sundry shop, or just a silent reminder of being at your service for years eh.
    David, walao, your spell backward advice comes in handy for my colleagues and me to share with our kids esp in English lesson. You won't mind if we ciplak it, and also to put it into the twice-yearly school bulletin?

  50. Ha ha David...that is a gem of humanity...like being twisted and managing to make out the puzzling message!!! Cheerios!! The message is a very good reminder of how we should conduct ourselves!!! Thanks!!! message noted....Have a great weekend...

    Hi PME...our visits to the bank is hush hush...you know how wifeys are...scrooging to do marketing..will go to the roof if this is publish and noted by them....ha ha...not necessary to publish pls...we have our hearts with KTGSS and not necessary for receipts too....Have a great weekend too...happy painting...that's why I can't cari makan in Kuching...you'e doing your own painting!!!...contractors in Kuching will go jobless!! ha ha

  51. Hi PCK...250 hits is equivalent to RM250 contributed so far by you...ha ha Shy to count mine...ha ha Thanks ...have a great weekend!!!

  52. poh.m.e,
    JUST FOR FUN...Fantastic 9..
    1x9=9 9=9
    2x9=18 1+8=9
    3X9=27 2+7=9
    4X9=36 3+6=9
    5X9=45 4+5=9
    6X9=54 5+4=9
    7X9=63 6+3=9
    8X9=72 7+2=9
    9X9=81 8+1=9
    10X9=90 9+O=9
    the end.

  53. poh.m.e...PUZZLE.?????????
    MANAGER GIVE RM.5.00 discount.
    ask bellboy to return rm.5.oo to the GUEST.
    FOR EASY COUNT EACH GUEST TAKE BACK RM3.OO..left 2.00 for tips to the bellboy..
    guest now pay rm9.00 each .3X9=27 +2.00 TIPS FOR THE BELL BOY...TOTAL RM29.00..NOW RM 1.00 missing..WHERE IS RM.1.OO??????????????????????

  54. Brother Tony we are not playing poker. If you up me back, I will sell my bicycle and not honda cub.Ha..ha...After all we are saving our 4d and Toto money to do good thing.

  55. Ha ha I have already top up the Milo Tin to round it up during BB2010 night at Wesberly appartment...Bicycle is expensive...don't play play...Aaron's bicycle cost RM40K....luckily it was sponsored!!!It's just after 2 weeks and he is back to training on his bike again!!! Boh Kia Si...told him if he injures himself...his guts will pop out!!! ha ha

  56. Hi, Poh ME, Anthony & FRIENDS

    That's the good of sharing for we will be blessed with our INTENTION and in return, all the good things of sharing will always strenghtened our RELATION.......share!!!! and share!!!!.... will increase our knowledge of wisdom in this world of GLOBALIZATION...

    This fantastic advice will coooooool us down to increase PERFECTION!!!!!!.....reduce FRICTION!!!!!!.....gives us SATISFACTION!!!!!!


  57. Tony, my bicycle is made in tiong kok(china) where got worth 40k. Try to advise Aaron not to do too aggressive training and he need more rest.

  58. Hi Uncle Fatt Khiong...Tiong Kok makes everything now...same product but many different grades...Aaron's bike surprisingly is also made in China...or Taiwan Republic of China!!! Bikes can be from RM100.00 to RM60K..ha ha still from tiong Kok...material differs..high end ones are made of carbon fiber and frames with ribs internally..and has double wall rims for wheels, hydraulic suspensions, air filled rear suspensions to riders weight ratio, hydraulic disc brakes etc...ha ha..lau ah pek learning from son!!! go giddy some times!!!.Go to http://roam-malaysia.blogspot.com to get a giddy idea what Downhill riding is about....when we were young a Hercules bike is a luxury...boys nowadays will be ashame to even ride one!!! ha ha

  59. Nowadays hard to find anything made anywhere else other than 'Tiong Kok'!

    That is why the acronyms OPP, MPP and HPP for the low to high end products. Opp products for display only; if it last 2 years, you are lucky.

    Just out of curiosity, is there a surge in the hit for this site lately. I have emails all the pioneers that I can get my hand on.

    Uncle Fatt Kiong, Anthony, PCK, David and Siong Moh, thanks for taking the lead. God bless you.

  60. PCK, sori la i didn't do my mathematics assignment coz cannot find my calculator bo... but i promise to memorize and recite the 1x9 table when u come to class k...
    Joo, please elaborate further on the acronyms used in mainland China. Am covering the global automobile industry for my English for Science & Technology subject for form 5 pure science, of which the Tiongkok entry into the auto industry is an interesting case study.
    Pioneers, Siong Moh, Alice and David have a DATE with KT admin next Monday. Maybe can walkabout to the Block K where we can see the insulation project already completed except for a bit of patching at both ends. Then adjourn for mid-morning tea k... Anthony, u so far away, just have to see the pix or read press release later yo.

  61. Uncle Fatt Kiong just left my office. He came with another RM 100. Thank you again Uncle Fatt Kiong.

  62. Cheerios!! Uncle Fatt Khiong...today is you Birthday...happy happy Birthday to you!! That was a very good deed for your big day....wishing you many many more to come!!!
    PME...Thanks for having me in your thoughts!! will be eagerly awaiting to see some pix.....Thanks!

  63. Hi Joo...Thanks for your thoughtful emails to everyone...since April 15 till today got about 341 hits...good job...got incentive for you Joo...reserved best Kueh Chap for you when you return to Kuching...ha ha that's an average of 57 hits...same as our average year of birth....can't ask for more...ha ha Keep it Going!!!

  64. poh m.e,
    Due to squeeze of numbers by computer ,the no. look confuse....1x9=...9.......2x9=18......1+8=9...
    3x9=27.......2+7=9....and so on...............

  65. Unc Fatt Khiong,
    It is indeed a memorable gift of love to our school. May GOD shower you with many blessings on your birthday!! And our best wishes for keeping our sch close to your heart!
    methinks that David will post pix here in the blog... i only know how to play fb so will post some pix there k.
    The multiplication 9 table is fine with me but the other hotel room, dunno lei. Reminds me of 2 sch inspectors in the 70s, i think, who had just reached the lowlands after a strenuous trip up in the interior of our state. Upon entering the first motel, they asked the receptionist "Ada bilik kah?" but unluckily for them, none. So they lugged their bags and files to the next lodging and on to the next coz then being a season of some celebration in that small town, the rooms were all occupied. Finally they entered the last one. Being exhausted and fatigued, they walked into the foyer and asked an old lady staff sweeping the floor. One of them barely managed to utter "Ada kah?"to her and she looked, giving a toothless grin, "Ada, tuan... murah empun, aku kediri auk"!!!!! {beyond this point, cannot print out anymore coz the blog admin may censure and censor me for good!] Hope this can make some laugh...

  66. poh.m.e.
    this feng shui loshu numbers..no matter how you add the answer is 15.

  67. Hi, Friends


    Poh ME, Anthony, Joo, PCK and those who browse the blog........keep up the posting.......this blog will be our diary...!!!!

    Thomas......kindly expedite those matters that are being commented and update our fellow friends of KTGSS...

    Sad news......the demise of the father of our fellow classmate/schoolmate, Alice Law Chai Hoon(Pioneer1).....yesterday (20.04.10) me & Siong Moh went there to pay our last respect to the deceased......OUR CONDOLENCE TO ALICE LAW & THE FAMILIES......GOD BLESS HIS SOUL

  68. Thank you, all the brothers and sisters for the birhtday greeting. When I was young, my parent used to remind me that I'am a year older during my birthday. Now I remind my self that I'am a year shorter. ha....ha...Wish all of you best of every things.

  69. Happy Birthday Uncle Fatt Kiong. We need generous people like you. Save on 4D to donate to a good cause.

    David, please post the photos after the tour. See what we can do to help. If everything goes to plan, I should be in Kiching for a few days at the end of Sept. Anthony, I'm counting on the good Kueh Chap.

    Miss Poh, love your jokes. Keep this blog very entertaining.

    PCK, you ought to be working as a Actaurist. By the way only a couple of dozen of them in Asia.

    Deepest condolence to Law Chai Hoon and her family.

    God bless all of you and have a great week.

  70. Quote: Uncle Fatt Khiong,
    "Now I remind my self that I'am a year shorter"

    Should be increasing in years instead!

  71. Patrick
    Yes correct you are increasing in year but our life span will be a year shorter

  72. Ha Ha Patrick and Fatt Khiong....agree that there are two ways to look at aging...both ways do makes lots of sense!! Happy days ahead!!!...nearer to retirement!!! We try our best in parenting..the rest we have to leave it in the hands of God...The new generation is in a new ball game...we have to keep trying to narrow it....have a great day!!

  73. hi fatt khiong'
    A year older a year wiser .toto loss one customer at STUTONG BRANCH....HA..HA....
    YOU ARE LUCKY MAN. born in 29.feb.don't have birthday every year.......

  74. anthony chan,
    how your son? still participate bicycle race, his bike really expensive.did he check up ? better take care the wound...

  75. hi joo,

  76. Hi All,
    Good to see the connection is kept alive although by a minority. What happen to the rest - the Chair, Mr Thomas Koh, not a word since BB! Still recovering or have moved on to another Chair & happily forgotten us ? Very pleased the 1st project for our old school is underway & funding is coming through. So sweet of Anthony & Fatt Kiong to forego their weekly itch ! Will do my part when I am next back & probably re-visit the old school.

    David, saw your note on the demise of Law Chai Hoon's late father. Plse convey my deepest sympathy to her if you do see her again. Let her know I have been trying to be in touch.

  77. PCk, Fatt Khiong's birthday falls on the 29th feb too?
    I thought Robert's birthday falls on that date..Can't belief it. Fatt Khiong is still very young..Haha

  78. Hi, Winnie & Patrick

    Nice to hear from you guys.....that's the strenght of this blog......the connection will always be there to reconnect.......it will always reminds me of my young days in and out of school........once in a while I'll pop those photos of my schooldays, trying to remember myself and my friends of all the fun fond memories of the past........once in a while do pop in to the blog for comments.........

    Winnie....I'll convey your condolence and inform her that you would like to be in touch with her........guys HAVE A NICE DAY...GOD BLESS

  79. Hi PCK...Aaron is OK now back to his normal routine...already back to training on his bike 2 weeks after the operation....He is impatient!!

    You did not join the entourage to KTGSS to hand over the collections for PIBG? waiting to see some pix!! Have a great day!!

  80. Hi Fatt Khiong...Cheerios!!! Dinner on you after meeting is great!!! ...wish I was there too...missing Kueh Chap already!!! Must start planning another trip soon!! ha ha Have a great week ahead!!



  82. anthony chan.

  83. Hi PCK...coming back coming school holidays....1st week June...ha ha long way to go!!! must bring along wifey....not fair to always visit Kuching alone!!!...She might think something is going on!!! ha ha

  84. I am from the class of 75' and have had my own children pass through KTGSS. Lots of money is being collected for various projects. This year my niece tells me that the PTA is collecting money to build an amphitheatre. This blows my mind. Why spend money on such extravagant structures when a shade to shield the students who get wet in the rain can be cheaper. BTW where is the principal? Is Ms Poh the one?

  85. Great survey, I'm sure you're getting a great response. Best Percolator Bong
